112 sharesShaun T’s Focus T25 calendar is designed to give you better results in less time! Below you’ll find each T25 Schedule and a printable calendar along with some of the questions we’re frequently asked! How many days a week do you do T25?T25 is 5 days a week with a double workout on Friday. Some choose to do the 2nd workout on Saturday. How long is T25?Each workout is 25 minutes.
The base Focus T25 schedule is 60 days or 10-weeks long.There is also an advanced 3rd phase, Gamma, you can add. This 3rd phase would make it 14 weeks long. Does T25 Work?Yes! Plus their review of the workouts here! Month 1 T25 Schedule: Alpha PhaseIn each phase, you have 5 workout scheduled days. Month 1 is T25’s Alpha workouts.
T25 Alpha Cardio – traditional interval training. Speed 1.0 – focuses on speed, agility, and stability. Total Body Circuit – Cardio mixed with total body resistance. AB Intervals – Works your whole core.
T25 Lower Focus – Cardio mixed with lower body exercises. Stretch – Ah finally a break. This will become your best friend!Month 2 T25 Schedule: Beta Phase Month 2 introduces 5 new T25 Beta Workouts.Each workout builds on last month’s program.
T25 Core Cardio. Speed 2.0.
RIP’t Circuit. Dynamic Core. Upper Focus.
Core SpeedFocus T25 Core Cardio is one of my favorites of the whole program.Is there a 90 Day Schedule? Do you need any equipment for T25?You’ll just need resistance bands or dumbbells. You may also like having a mat, but it’s optional. Do I have to do 2-a-days on Friday like the calendar shows?A few of the test participants opted to do the 2nd workout listed on Friday on Saturday instead. What do I do once I finish these T25 schedules?If you like Shaun T, definitely check out after the T25 workout for a challenge! If you’re looking for a change, but you like a quick, intense workout look at the Want to try T25?
Or If you’re still not sure, you can always!If this post helped you, make sure it says Kalee at check out or look up 1001548.:)Do you have questions? We’d love to talk about your fitness goals. You can email us at: thegirls@soreyfitness.com Also check out!If you don’t have a coach, we help you get the best results and cheer you on each step of the way. One of the perks of having us as your coach?
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Getting motivated to workout is challenging enough. Figuring out what to do each day doesn’t have to be. Lucky for you, Beachbody made an easy to follow Calendar Schedule.You can Download the Focus T25 Workout Schedule hereThe following Focus T25 Workout Schedule comes from the T25 Workout Calendar out of the box. So if you are on the go or lost your calendar you can always reference this page for your daily fitness schedule. This workout is designed to give you an easy to follow 2 month program.
However, the workout calendar doesn’t end after 2 months if you don’t want it to. Focus T25 also offers an additional workout schedule called “Gamma” an additional 4 disc program to help you take your fitness to the next level. (Focus T25 Gamma is sold separately)Simply, bookmark this page so you can always come back to review what workout is on schedule for the day. Focus T25 Workout Calendar Month 1 (Alpha)The first month, is the foundation of Focus T25. Introduces you to foundation moves that will help you develop the fitness level you need to move on to Month 2 of T25 Beta. There are 5 workouts routines that will focus on different parts of the body so by the end of each week you will have completed a full body workout.
Remember that before you begin this workout routine you should be recording your body measurements and taking your profile pictures so that you can see how your body has changed after completing the program. I have never actually completed a circuit straight through, but I have previously done 4 weeks of Alpha.
T25 Free Download
I did not have any physical changes to my body, but the cardio and stamina changes were IMMENSE. In the military we have to take regular physical tests (I’m not athletically inclined) and on my regular workout regime I’m usually winded by the end of the test if I push myself, after 4 weeks of Alpha (doing it wrong, missing days, mediocre diet etc), I absolutely HOUSED the test with minimal effort. Absolutely does wonders for your endurance. I’ve always been tall and thin so the looks department has never changed for me, but I could definitely tell a difference in my actual performance. Worth it just to be physical fit.
Going to make every attempt at a full Alpha-Beta-Gamma cycle without breaks in between this month. See what happens.