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Age Of Empires 3 Gameplay

Age of Empires 3 videos - Watch Age of Empires III PC videos, movies, trailers, gameplay clips, video game reviews, interviews and more at IGN.

OverviewReleased in 2005, Age of Empires III (AoE3) portrays the European conquest and further colonization of the Americas between 1492 and 1850. Several innovations are introduced to the franchise's mainstay pillars, most significantly with the addition of the Home City. Each civilization's Home City has an unique bonus that changes the way each one is played. This main change modifies the stock RTS mechanics, introducing some more features akin to Role Playing Games.

The franchise as a whole is thrust forward in history from by several hundred years making good use of the new time period. A dense single-player campaign is split into three acts spanning three generations of the fictional Black family.

GameplayWhile the core of the game remains intact from Age of Empires II, the addition of the Home City significantly changes the entire surrounding package. The Home City functions as a second disconnected city in the game, almost like an imperialistic nation looking out for a budding colony. This allows for more role playing mechanics to brought into the fray as upgrades are persistent across all campaigns, encouraging players to find a play style they are comfortable with and developing their Home City in this direction. This city will occasionally supply you with aid ranging from economic and military upgrades, reinforcements, or surplus resources. Access to these shipments is gained through experience points earned through your actions, and differ from Age to Age. The one kink in this system is that certain shipments can only be received once during each game, requiring you to strategically use them when they are most needed.The persistent Home City across all campaigns is developed even further with the introduction of cards that can be played to receive a certain type of shipment.

These cards are formed into a deck from which a maximum of 20 cards are selected to be brought into each match. You are allowed to change out cards at the beginning of each campaign mission, giving the player the chance to tailor their deck and the shipments that will be available for the specific mission at hand. Each of the eight civilizations have unique cards with several cards that overlap between them all. As your Home City levels up, progressively stronger cards are introduced - some with prerequisites - allowing more diverse play styles to open up. Not unlike developing your character in a RPG, this mechanic encourages you to stick with one civilization, learning the nuances while reaping the rewards of each level gained.Unlike previous Age of Empire games, the building of a does not signify the endgame. In fact, the whole Wonder concept has been taken out, not to be brought back until the second expansion -. For better or worse, the only way to win a match or campaign is through total conquest.

In reality, this stays true to the whole feel of the theater and specific time period chosen for the game, as it is the conquest of the Americas that remains the main focus throughout.Trade takes a prominent position in AoE3 with the new addition of Trading Posts. Its simplest use allows the player to build and upgrade Native American warriors diversifying the makeup of your army that you have.

If Native American villages are present on a map - which is the case the vast majority of the time - Trading Posts can be built. Probably the most effective use of this new building allows a player to receive a tax or toll when it is built along a trade route.

The resource that is traded is up to the player and can significantly alter the outcome of the game. Upgrading trading routes allows for speedier travel, which in turn allow supplies and resources to reach the player much quicker. Ultimately, the smart use of the Trading Post can become a major strategy in building a mighty army as supplies are oftentimes the greatest obstacle in being able to win through total conquest of the map.Finally, what seems like a minute change compared to the major gameplay additions in the game, may be one of the most important ways that the game is streamlined. Resource collection and management are simpler with the necessity of dropsites being taken out of the game.

With previous games in the franchise, all resources collected were required to be dropped off at a dropsite - usually your Town Center. A settler now has the ability to bypass this step entirely, with every collected item automatically showing up in your stores. This opens up collection across the map exponentially since you no longer have to worry about ensuring that settlers have a quick and easy path to their designated dropsite. AgesEach campaign or match is divided up into five different Ages that your civilization progresses through. The cards that are available continually become more powerful as each Age passes, and the units available change as well. Each Age represents a specific historical time period in t he conquest and colonization of the Americas.

Age Of Empires 3 Gameplay Part 1

This is similar to the technological phases presented in similar RTS franchises. Before the player can progress to the next Age, a choice between two historical politicians is presented, with a different bonus being associated with either one.

As the Home City levels up over the course of several matches (one politician for every 10 levels), more politicians are unlocked giving the player a wider variety of choice in the bonuses that they are able to receive. Discovery AgeThe first age in the game, characterized as the beginning of the European exploration of the American landscape. These are the first steps towards settlements in the New World. A simple economy is present, which includes trade, beginning the formation of an army that will hopefully be capable of conquering enemy colonies.

Colonial AgeThis second Age, with the first steps being taken in colonizing the New World, unlocks the first early military units. The Priest introduces the first healingunit in the game. The requirement to advance to this Age is 800 Food. Fortress AgeWithin the third Age, each colony begins to fortify themselves, unlocking Forts.

Age Of Empires 3 Gameplay

This advancement allows the player to have a more complete army and military. Major improvements to the economy present themselves here which allow the beginning of an artillery. The requirements to advance to this Age include 1000 Coin and 1200 Food. Industrial AgeFactories are the major advancement in this fourth Age which produce resources or artillery. A strong economy is the main side-effect of factories opening up all units and cards. By this Age, players are more capable of producing a large army with the ability to fortify themselves. The requirements to advance to this Age include 1200 Coin and 2000 Food.

Imperial AgeTaking place in the mid-1800's this fifth and final Age introduces many expensive, but desirable, technological improvements that can sway that entire game in the favor of the players civilization. All units are available here, and the total conquest of all other civilizations and colonies signals the completion of the match. The requirements to advance to this Age include 4000 Coin and 4000 Food. CivilizationsEight civilizations are available in all single- and multiplayer modes. Each have unique strengths and weaknesses making a distinct experience in playing the game. A civilization bonus and a group of unique units for each empire can directly change the way you approach the goals and missions of each campaign. A few secondary civilizations are included that are only playable in the single-player campaign.

The Knights of St. John, John Black's Mercenaries, and the United States of America are modified versions of the Spanish, German, and British respectively. The Circle of Ossus, Native Americans, and Pirates are civilizations only playable when using the Scenario Editor. SpanishThe Spanish military is considered quite strong for their hand-to-hand infantry and cavalry. They have the ability to build a dominant economy late in the game, or attack early due to their Civilization Bonus. This bonus allows home city shipments to be earned faster. The explorer's ability allows for advantages earlier in the game because War Dogs can be trained right away.

Unique Home City improvements given to the Spanish benefit their naval forces, soldiers and buildings.Civilization Bonus:. The amount of experience required for a shipment from Home Cities is reduced by 27%, making them available faster.Unique Units:. Rodelero. Lancer. War DogRoyal Guard Units. Pikeman.

Rodelero. LancerHome City Ruler.BritishThe British have the unique ability to focus on gathering wood for the Manor Houses which allow them to spawn villagers at an increased rate. Because of this, they have one of the strongest economies in the game. The Musketeer and the Hussar, which can be upgraded to the Royal Guard level, are two mainline units making their military quite formidable. The British Home City can emphasize its efforts on both the navy and technology.Civilization Bonus. Manors replace Houses. For every Manor built a free villager is spawned.Unique Units.

Longbowman. RocketRoyal Guard Units.

Musketeer. HussarHome City Ruler.FrenchThe power of the Coureur unit provides the French with the ability to improve their economy slowly but steadily throughout the game. The main upshot of this strong unit is that they fight better than standard Settler units, which makes the French hard to attack early in the game. While they also have the strongest cavalry unit in the Cuirassier, the cost of them requires a robust economy to build a large army of them. True to the nature of the French, they are the best at creating alliances with Native American nations.Civilization Bonus. Settlers is replaced with Coureurs. Coureurs gather resources faster and fight better than Settlers, also more expensive.Unique Units.

Coureur. CuirassierRoyal Guard Units. Cuirassier. SkirmisherHome City Ruler.PortugueseThe Portuguese have the distinct ability to create a new Town Center every time they advance an age with the addition of an extra Covered Wagon. This allows them to spread out faster than the other civilizations.

Combined with their unique Spyglass, they can quickly explore the map and use this to their advantage to spy on enemies. A formidable light infantry, strong navy, and the best Dragoons in the game round out the strengths of the Portuguese.Civilization Bonus. As the game advances an Age, a free Covered Wagon is received which can be transformed into a new Town Center.Unique Units.

Cassador.Royal Guard Units. Musketeer.Home City Ru ler.Dutch DutchThe powerful defensive ability of the Dutch Home City inherently makes a defensive play style quite common early in the game. The economic upgrades, specifically the establishment of several Banks, changes the preferable play style in the later Ages allowing them to explode across the map.

Villagers cost Coin, which is unique to the Dutch, but the strength of the economy and the development of several Banks which generate Coin automatically can quickly offset any initial cost.Civilization Bonus. Able to build Banks.

Banks produce Coins automatically, which can offset the cost of Villagers.Unique Units. Envoy. Ruyter.

FluytRoyal Guard Units. Halberdier. RuyterHome City Ruler.RussianThe Russians start out with extra resources which can immediately be turned into villagers or a raiding army to attack with early in the game. This can counteract their beginning with fewer villagers than the other civilizations.

Soldiers cost least, which is good since they are weaker than other soldiers. The Stretlet is a cheap example of such a unit, which can be deployed en masse for little cost to the player. Training of infantry takes place in a Blockhouse, which can also defend territory like an Outpost. Both infantry and villagers are trained in groups which allows for faster training at the cost of a larger amount of resources.Civilization Bonus. Both villagers and infantry are trained in groups allowing for a low-cost military.Unique Units. Strelet.

Age Of Empires 3 Gameplay Download

Cossack. OprichnikRoyal Guard Units. Grenadier. Cavalry ArcherHome City Ruler.GermanHaving fewer villagers, the German's economy is slower, but they manage to counteract this with Uhlans that are received for free with every Home City Shipment. The diverse military is late to develop but always includes a strong cavalry. This allows for a varied make-up of the army including strong groups of pike-cleaving Doppelsoldners, Skirmishers, or the mighty War Wagons.

Mercenaries can be sent well before other civilizations from their Home City adding a strategic depth to their military.Civilization Bonus. With every Home City Shipment you receive free Uhlan units.

The amount increases with each successive Age.Unique Units. Urban. Settler Wagon. Doppelsoldner. War WagonRoyal Guard Units.

Skirmisher. UhlanHome City Ruler.OttomanThe economy tends to start slowly, not unlike the Germans, but more than makes up for this with their ability to create villagers for free from their Town Center.

A Mosque must be built early in the game to keep a constant production of villagers. The player must also continually research improvements for it. Their ability to build the Artillery Foundry before others gives them access to artillery units earlier in the game. The Ottomans have more unique units than the other civilizations.Civilization Bonus. There is no cost to spawning villagers in their Town Centers.Unique Units.

Janissary - The only infantry unit the Ottomans can train. Abus Gun. Spahi. Galley.

Great BombardRoyal Guard Units. Grenadier. HussarHome City Ruler.CampaignThe single-player campaign follows three generations of the fictional Black family over the course of three acts (one generation per act). The Black family are adventurers with a passion for the opportunities available in the New World; all in their own way taking part in revolutions, wars, and conquests.

Age Of Empires 3 Gameplay No Commentary

Throughout their adventures secret stories of treachery and conspiracy reveal themselves spanning a large portion of the Americas. In the end, the campaign allows the player to take part in a singular story that manages to weave three generations of the Blacks together - offering a much deeper look into the trials and tribulations this one family must face to reach their ultimate goals of conquest. Age I: BloodThe late 16th century is the backdrop to this first act, as you begin in the role of Morgan Black, who is part of the Knights of Saint John. Resembling a modified version of the Spanish civilization, you assume command of this group as they defend the last stronghold on Malta from Sahin (of the Ottoman Empire).